Prefab Tool

Prefab Tool is a Utility to create/find prefabs, there are two entries to open the tool:

  • Select menu: GameObject -> A+ Prefab Tools

  • Right click on Hierarchy

Below are the description of each menu item.

Create group menu:

  • New If Needed with Connection: Create a new prefab if the selected object is not a prefab instance and then connect the selected object to the new prefab
  • New If Needed Without Connection: Create a new prefab if the selected object is not a prefab instance, but does not connect the selected object to the new prefab
  • New Prefab With Connection: Always create a new prefab no matter the selected object is a prefab instance or not, and then connect the selected object to the new prefab(will break the existing one).
  • New Prefab Without Connection: Always create a new prefab no matter the selected object is a prefab instance or not, but does not connect the selected object to new prefab

Find group menu:

  • Find All Prefabs Instances: Find all prefab instances in Hierarchy
  • Find Instances With Connection: Find all prefab instances which connected to prefab in Hierarchy
  • Find Disconnected Prefab Instances: Find all prefab instances which prefab connection are broken in Hierarchy
  • Find Missing Prefab Instances: Find all prefab instances whose prefab are missing. The ones with (missing) suffix in Hierarchy
  • Find Model Prefab Instances: Find all model prefab instances

Modification Group:

  • Apply All Selected Prefabs: Apply modification of all selected prefabs in Hierarchy
  • Revert All Selected Prefabs: Revert all modification of all selected prefabs in Hierarchy
  • Break Prefab Instances: Break all connection with prefabs for all selected objects