Find Unused Assets

Select Tools -> A+ Assets Explorer -> Find Unused Assets to trigger a build to find unused assets.

What assets are Unused?

When the assets satisfy one of below condictions are Used, others are Unused:

  • In Resources folder
  • In StreamingAssets folder
  • Has AssetBundle assigned
  • The Assets are the dependencies of an AssetBundle
  • In Unity Build Report. Because of this one, we have to trigger a build to get the unused files

How Assets Explorer show the Used/Unused assets?

  • When A+ Assets Explorer does not know whehter assets are used or not, Used column displays ? mark
  • If asset is used, it will display black color nd Used column display ✔️ mark
  • if asset is unused, it will display grey color and Used column display × mark


If there are multiple Unity Editor opened, the find unused feature may not works in the Unity Editor instances except the lastest opened one, due to only the lastest opened Unity Editor will write logs to Unity Editor log files, but the previous are not.

So if there are multiple Unity Editor opened, recommend re-open the Unity Editor of the project you want to find unused assets.